Donald Joseph Qualls (also known as DJ Qualls) is a fashion model and actor American actor. The actor gained fame following his performance as a character in Road Trip. Since then, he has appeared in 20 feature films, such as The New Guy Hustle & Flow or The Core. Also, he has been on over 22 shows, including Breaking Bad Supernatural and Scrubs. Qualls has fought Hodgkin's lymphoma from the time he was 14 years old. Within two years the cancer is now into remission. His body was severely affected by the treatment and the development of his body was slow down. Once he started acting financially secure, it was his ultimate goal as he had seen poverty throughout his childhood. Interviewer stated that as he had lived so sparingly over a period of time I required financial stability to feel at ease. He reflects on his youth and feels the desire to act against the bullying. He says "Cruelty causes pain to my heart." The man says his ideal job would be that of a dad in both real and film life. However, he does admit that most directors do not choose him for these kinds of characters. He'd like to be father one day to be able to devote more time to his son and not be so occupied with his work.
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